Saturday, March 22, 2025
12:00-1:00 Lunch Break
The Artist Hand Studio
732 Philadelphia Street Indiana, Pa 15701
In this workshop style class, Cindi will delve into variations of the Italic hand, with emphasis on further exploration of the many ways to put your own personal style and touches to your lettering. She will demonstrate strokes of italic variations, talk about design and layout, and provide exemplars of various options to make your letters “come alive” in your artwork!
THIS CLASS IS DESIGNED FOR STUDENTS WITH SOME INTRODUCTORY EXPERIENCE TO CALLIGRAPHY. Though all are welcome, it will be better if the student has at least some experience with calligraphy – such as how to use a dip pen and ink, and basic proportions and understanding the basic “rules” for italic calligraphy lettering.
This will be a hands-on workshop experience – She will be contacting you via email the week before the class to remind you of some basic tools you should bring (such as ruler, pencil, eraser, tape etc).
Cindi will still provide the materials and supplies needed to conduct this class (Sumi Ink, Lay-Out Paper, Speedball C-2 Nib and Speedball Pen Holder, General Info about Calligraphy and the Italic Hand, Exemplars with Ductus, Guidelines for the Italic Hand with C-2 Nib).
Students can bring a favorite quote or verse that they wish to do in calligraphy, and Cindi will work with everyone to complete a final piece of calligraphic work!
****PLEASE INDICATE IF YOU ARE LEFT-HANDED, so she can order a left-handed nib for you, and provide some instructions specifically designed for left-handed individuals. (information on how to hold the paper, not smearing your ink as you make your letters, and proper letter formation- need consideration for left-handers) – so it is extremely important to note if you are left-handed when signing up! ****
This will be a wonderfully interactive and dynamic workshop for those that are looking to further their interest in incorporating lettering into their art!
The cost for the all day Saturday class is $65 for IAA members and $80 for all non-members.
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Indiana Art Association
Located in the Artists Hand Gallery at: 732 Philadelphia Street, Indiana PA 15701
Mailing Address: PO Box 448 Indiana, PA 15701
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